
Defence 디펜스

Defence 디펜스 관련된 맵을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.

요새 서바이벌 (fortress survival) 6.76
Level 10조회수668
2023-10-01 09:01


제작자: brusej

공식카페: http://fortress-survival.com/

Balance Changes ::

  • Shaman HERO Impale Changed to Phoenix Ability:
    - Three Levels Summoned Phoenix Unit(s)
  • Techies HERO Self Destruction Ability:
    - Cooldown Increased from 0 to 60 seconds
  • Windrunner HERO Umbra Ability:
    - Attack Cooldown Time Reduced from 1.15 to 0.99
    - Level 1 Umbra Duration Increased from 16 to 20
    - Level 2 Umbra Duration Increased from 17 to 21
    - Level 3 Umbra Duration Increased from 18 to 22
    - Level 4 Umbra Duration Increased from 19 to 23
    - Level 5 Umbra Duration Increased from 20 to 24
    - Level 6 Umbra Duration Increased from 21 to 25
    - Level 7 Umbra Duration Increased from 22 to 26
    - Level 8 Umbra Duration Increased from 23 to 27
    - Level 9 Umbra Duration Increased from 24 to 28
    - Level 10 Umbra Duration Increased from 25 to 29
    - Level 11 Umbra Duration Increased from 26 to 30
    - Level 12 Umbra Duration Increased from 27 to 31
    - Level 13 Umbra Duration Increased from 28 to 32
    - Level 14 Umbra Duration Increased from 29 to 33
    - Level 15 Umbra Duration Increased from 30 to 34
    - Level 16 Umbra Duration Increased from 31 to 35
    - Level 17 Umbra Duration Increased from 32 to 36
    - Level 18 Umbra Duration Increased from 33 to 37
    - Level 19 Umbra Duration Increased from 34 to 38
    - Level 20 Umbra Duration Increased from 35 to 39
  • Barrel Drop / Pickup Rewards Updated:
    - 4 Gold and 320 Lumber Bonus!
    - 500 Lumber Bonus!

Improvements ::

  • Global Terrain Visual Changes
  • The Cemetery Base Remodeled:
    - Wall Opening Reduced from 2 to 1
  • Underworld Gatekeeper Vendor Merchant:
    - Command Center Item Added For Purchase

Bugs/Fixes ::

  • Miscellaneous
  • Whirlwind HERO Ability Tooltip
첨부파일Fortress Survival Alpha 6.76P.w3x (2.41MB)

(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)

AOS 공성전

Arena 아레나

Defence 디펜스

Minigame 미니게임

Multi 멀티

Offence 오펜스

RPG 알피지

RTS 전략

Survival 서바이벌

Etc 기타